Pitcalzean house exceeded our expectations. All the bedrooms in the house were gorgeous, and comfortable. The house is spacious yet intimate and it gives you the opportunity to socialize, quietly retreat in a room and read a book or play a game of snooker. Along with the kitchen (the heart of every house), our guests and us enjoyed passing time in the grand library room, sitting around the fire place. It breathes the air of Dickens.

Meanwhile all the kids of different ages had fun playing in and around the house and enjoyed the newly installed cinema room. We got married in the adjacent barn, just a 50 meter walk from the main house, and had our dinner there too on our wedding night. It is a lovely intimate area to get married in.

Our group was also quite outdoorsy and we have enjoyed numerous walks along nearby beaches and even climbed one of the Monroes in the area. There are also nice cities to explore and have tea at and Loch Ness is not far away either.

In the preparations towards the wedding and the wedding week, the owner Fiona, has been of great help too. Without her it would have been hard to arrange everything for the wedding from a distance. She was always ready to answer questions, make interesting suggestions, provide contacts and well, she basically singlehandedly organized half of our wedding really! This included: suggestions for caterers, flowers, activities and organizing small missing items in the days leading to the wedding.

She also put us in touch with the ceremonist Penelope from the Scottish Humanist Society who legally married us and did a great job. We got married in October 2017 and enjoyed a week of mostly sun and stunning views over the bay. So we say: When in doubt, pick Pitcalzean!

Frank and Louisa

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